Sunday, October 6, 2024


Sinbad knew way back in 1958 that the struggle is real Brothers and Sisters! 

Been dead around here as far as the number of hits I'm getting but I'm glad cuz the bots have gotten all they needed from me and are no longer inflating those numbers. Keepin' it real here, I hope, as one music lover to a few others who may or may not be living the dream...hahah. New Pushead-style logo  thanx to the magic touch of Seanocide (Mach Baron et al.)...stickers had to be made. I highly recommend Sticker Mule! They have these deals they send you, that are just too good to pass up off T-shirts too.

Sold this album like a dumbass, trying to make ends meet. It's all about a positive stream of choices in life, not one step forward, two steps back. There's a lot of good bands on this Volume 3 of Wild Riders Of Boards comp and this Septic Death tune solidifies that.

Years ago when I was on Facebook, I went through a faze of taking sunset pictures. This here is a sunrise from yesterday. Trying to at least start out the day positive, right?

This goes out to my long time work pal Kristi...she knows what's up. Gotta love MDC! Two of my bands played with them up in Humboldt and Dave is a helluva nice guy...all the folks were...Matt from Operation Ivy played guitar for them at least once.

This pic sorta fits the song below...

Fucking love these guys...1971 Mexico!

From Lost in My World to a Scooby Doo moment...what are ya gonna do? This Scooby Doo art (minus the Boomerang logo) would look good on the door of my bug. I mean, why not, Scooby has been a part of my life for a long time and is meaningful to me on several levels. All good stuff.

Now, from Scooby to Zebras, which I posted another song of there's not too long ago, this one from a later album. I've put this song on several mixed CDRs and it's one of those songs that give you energy.

The trailer for the movie that is where the GIF is from that I started this post with. 1958 is before my time but they used to play this movie a lot on the local stations in the 70s. So different from a fantasy styled swords and sorcery movie they might have today. As the trailer indicates, this was cutting edge in '58.

I play this song often in the mornings before I start getting ready for work. A mellow somber slow start to my mornings, enjoyed with a ciggy and a cup of ice coffee.

Self explanatory ending to a post...keep it real Brothers and Sisters!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Did you disassociate?

 "Sending out 10 of these stickers to various Relics I know and I would please like a picture of the sticker (stuck or not) somewhere in your life or imagination…gonna post your images on the blog
My email is XXXXXXXXXX…pretty please with a smile for all y’all!"

If I don't have your address I couldn't send ya a sticker,
but if you you'd like a couple, pictures optional, but appreciated,
then please let me know :)

Fucking around with AI and Seanocide's Pushead lettering!
The blog header at the moment is that same lettering,
and a pic courtesy of my long time Kansas captive pal, Kristi

February 17, 1927 was when this one was released
97 fucking years old and I think it stands the test of time
I'm sure it's been posted before, but this time we can all sing along,
someone kindly posted the lyrics.
By the way "pills" were little balls of opium,
and Old Mostaza used to love an "after-date"

Have you ever heard about Willie the Weeper?
Had a job as a chimney sweeper
He had the dope habit and he had it bad
Listen while I tell you about a dream he had
He went down to the dope shop one Saturday night
He knew the lights would all be burning bright
Well I guess he smoked a dozen pills or more
When he woke up he was on a foreign shore
The Queen of Sheba was the first he met
She called him lovey-dovey and honey pet
She gave him a great big automobile
With a diamond headlight and a golden wheel
Down in Honolulu Willie fell in a trance
Seein' the dusky beauties do the Hula dance
His sweetie got in jail and Willie sure did shout
When he got the news that she had wiggled out
He landed with a splash in the river Nile
Ridin' on a seagoin' crocodile
He winked at Cleopatra, she said "Ain't he a sight"
'n' he said, "How 'bout a date for next Saturday night?"
He had a million cattle and he had a million sheep
Had a million vessels on the ocean deep
Had a million dollars all in nickels and dimes
Well he knew because he counted it a thousand times
He landed in New York one evenin’ late
He asked his sugar for an after-date
Started to kiss her and she started to pout
When bang-blang!
And the dope gave out

Don't think I've posted Creepin' Jenny before,
definitely not this version,
but I have enlightened the five real people that come to the blog
(and the multitude of bots),
as to the amazing Pack A.D.
This is/was one of my favorite two piece bands!

Old Mostaza was a stoner in 9th grade...hahah. 
Miss Harley, the Librarian, said that we both looked stoned in the picture, 
I was and pretty sure she probably knew it.

Their name alone was enough to give them a spin.
Elliott, are you out there bud...thoughts?
Pretty generic thrash/speed metal kinda stuff,
but I dug some of the tunes for the intricacies and tempo changes.
Not too into the falsetto screams, 
but dude also sports an impressive growl.

My dear friend, Jess Hilliard on bass, and Mr Al Sobrante on drums, in The Shatners!

If I have posted this one before,
I probably talked about how amazing it was/is.
A gift to humanity.


Hugs to all y'all...night-night.

Saturday, September 21, 2024


Moonset when it was full a couple days ago
wish I had a better camera,
this picture doesn't do it justice
probably just need to figure out the settings on the phone
it was a good morning

music is life, although this gentleman looks a little worse for wear
I need to listen to what he's listening to...looks like a blast
anyway, bitchin' found unsigned art

Haus Arafna doing Mirror Me
probably my favorite still active industrial act
mashing brains since 1990

classic shot!
was trying to think of a good caption
but the art sez it all
more found art, this one signed

Ah, 1983 Japan
nothing quite like it
in fact, Japanese hardcore punk is an entity all it's own

sent like 20 postcards out to folks across the country
got the idea from my good buddy, the post card master, Jess Hilliard
if I have your address then you may have gotten one
nobody sends postcards anymore
the gal at the post office had a hard time finding post card stamps

the only tune I've heard by the Soft Moon
a little dance-y but there's nothing wrong with dancing
although el senor Mostaza is no dancer...hahah
a skill like swimming, that I never really took to
dig the rhythm though and the tune itself is quite enjoyable

It's late and Mr. P sez...
"Go to bed Mustard!"