Travis Bickle! "Someday a real rain is going to come and wash all the scum off the streets!" So what does he do, targets a politician...excellent starting point...some of the biggest scum on the planet...
Had a moment, bear with me on the title of this, my 20th post, γνωστικοί. This is a word that came to me from my Gnostic studies, gnostikoi, meaning, knowledge, but a very specific knowledge, a secret knowledge. In Greek, there are three are types/words for love, Eros, Agape, and Philos...each being very specific. So too is the word gnostikoi, I reckon, it is a very specific type of word. So I, did a google translate of and it came back with, cognitive, as the English translation. Knowledge is a noun, while cognitive is an adjective. I don't know if that's important, I barely know my own language, but it makes it specific, I believe. I don't know about cognitive, I think of it as a sort of state of being aware, an awareness most people do not have (including me). Anyway, I'm still stuck with Socrates, the only thing I know is that I don't know (not even sure I want to be in the know).
The Butthole Surfers, I truly believe are "aware". I know for a fact I posted this song and performance before, on the old blog, maybe more than once, I don't know. This is a much watch video if you want to see and hear some of the best stuff these folks have to offer!
I hope my very best virtual pal doesn't mind me posting this pic of him, his lovely wife, their son and the newest grandbaby!!! One thing that does bring me joy in life (one of very few) is seeing my friends happy...a talk glass of water and a wide cup of coffee to you all.
Since being enlightened by the Molosser Crude phenomena, been feeling that heavy music vibe off and on, which may mean all day long or several times a day...I play music from the minute I get home to when I hit REM sleep, while it's still playing. This tune hits that same endorphin source, that sweet spot in you mind where everything is in a groove.
In theory. My question is are you born a piece of shit or are you conditioned that way, of for that matter, is it a choice. Sometimes when I've been nice I feel like all it really said is that I had sucker tattooed across my forehead. Nothing like being nice to someone and getting zero response from an attempted kind interaction. This one guy that works at Dollar General is a real sour puss, not judging because I don't know him, but I feel that as a result he has zero personality. So being the gentle sadist that I sometimes am, I kill him with kindness every time I run across him.
The truest of true Reliquias de Mostaza, of the USN (retired), reminded my of these guys the other day. Slow synapses and all, two days later I was able to give them a virtual spin (the vinyl went to my Son). Rad fan made vid and as far as the answer to the question Discharge poses in the song, the answer is an emphatic, fucking no! Prove to me otherwise, it's not about serving humanity, but greed...
I can remember my pal (to this day) Finner writing in my yearbook under this picture, "unique my ass!" Voted unique is such an oxymoron and what the hell does it mean to be unique. Haha...that was was almost prophetic as I turned out to be just another flawed human being, with debilitatingly poor decision making skills. In over 50 years, man I have made a lot of poor decisions, I always seem to choose the wrong path when there's fork in the road. You ever get that feeling, or is it just me? I was enamored of the older sister of the young (wonderful) lady in this photograph, but I never summoned the guts. She waited tables at my favorite pizza joint and I would go there alone to eat a pizza just so I could visit with her. For the life of me I can't remember the name of this pizza place or this amazing woman's name...haha.
Nothing wrong a little Zeke to finish this one off...everybody has wanted at some time or another to fuck all night!