Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Of this world...

Two posts in one night! Cheers!

I wanted to thank the folks that responded to my email invitation to come check out the blog! Got quite a few hits and several email replies... seriously, thank you, it means a lot. I've sent out those emails a few times, over the last 15 years I have been blogging. Always get a good show of support...beating even the bots, from Hong Kong or wherever the VPN is set to, that have been bombarding RdM with "views" lately...hahah. Cheers to you too if you got here because the link was shared with you some way, shape or form. Even if none of y'all come back, I do want to you to know that music and art, in general, are your friends. There is so much out there waiting to speak to you in some way. Even if 99.99% of it that you experience, you don't like or even repulses you, there is still a chance that something will touch your soul. It may too, just be all about timing, or perhaps, the more you experience, the more you learn to appreciate. I don't know...or as my friend Ken (RIP) used to say when he didn't want to answer a question, "I won't be here tomorrow" 

 From my pal Sean's Selfish Few YT channel. Great way to start off a post on a music (+) blog is to hit you with some unreleased Extreme Noise Terror!

Ade, an old pen pal of mine from England...North Yorks if I remember correctly...'84 or '85

I've posted this Satanic Malfunctions video before, but it's just too good and features Ade on drums in 1990. I had lost touch with him by this time as I was caught up in the wilds of Humboldt County living and playing in my own bands.

A recently sent,198? postcard from my pal Jess...called "Life's A Beach" photo: David Noble...hahah! What kills me is my cousin has a truck very much like that, here in NoWhere Kansas and sez "you don't mess up yer front end when you hit a deer, ya just drive on over 'em!"

Uploaded this several years ago...pretty vulgar stuff, but damn they play some mean fucking 1985 hardcore (or would they call it early fastcore...I don't know, proto-powerviolence...hahah). I sent this 7" to Ade when it came out.

 Romelia Tejera (RIP), my Godmother, circa 1976 Los Angeles, @ her apartment on Melrose off of Normandie (you could throw a rock at the Anti Club, for those of you in the know)...the kindest person I have ever known (period). Lo siento Melia!

Beta male anthem of the early 80s and this acoustic version, recorded much later, is the bomb! Sleep well amigos...


No rhetorical introduction on this one..."just the facts ma'am"...besides the title of the post sez it all, except that I'm bald headed...hahah...Betty Boop knows what's up.

In 1966 these guys knew what was up...I didn't know about them until about 15 years ago, during the music blog heyday, on Herr Keller's Good Bad Music. Such an important band, a standout when in 1966 there was so much goodness going down in the underground garage scene.

You're standing on a hill, looking down at the city
Thinking 'bout your life and your bottle of pills
They released you from the hospital, you're cured!
So this is how freedom feels?
Largactyl Relax (it's only paranoia)
Feel a little numb? Feel a little tired?
Your brain's asleep and your body's retired
You've learned to fit in. OBEY!
You're just a shadow of what you used to be
Largactyl Relax (it's only paranoia)
A comfortable life? A car and a wife?
It's only a dream but it's fuckin' obscene
You've learned to fit in, a vegetable!
Senility! At 21 they'll be coming for you

This song should be in the curriculum for all high school kids...then again, I heard the message early on and didn't listen too well.

I didn't know about the Cure until they were popular among other teens in the early 80s and the gothy folks ate them up (Boy's Don't Cry), but they were a much different band just a few years early. Their even earlier incarnation, Easy Cure, is quite delicious in my opinion.

My pals, retired Navy Senior Chiefs, Brian & Joe at the Madness concert recently in Seattle.

If you have a hankering for some 2nd wave Ska, Dance Craze would be the best 86 minutes spent in your fucking life...you already knew that, right? Still wish I knew how to skank like these folks did, but even when I was young my body wouldn't cooperate, now it would be like raising the dead.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

You can't have your shit and ask other people to eat it too...

Happy Wednesday evening y'all. Several attempts to contact folks today have failed...you forget that people have lives with their own intricacies and only occasionally, in the grand scheme of things, do our lives intersect (unless you're fucking stuck with them at work....hahah). Let's get back to positivity, alright, meaningfulness, if you will. I told someone the other day, "don't take any wooden nickels." I don't know why that popped into my brain, because it's much older than me...a movie I watched, a book I read, or even something my Great Grandfathers might have said. Looked it up and at the top of the google list was the AI "definition"., but I am wary of AI. I think we should all be, not in the Terminator sense, but there are just too many question marks floating around about where it will all lead, in my opinion. Maybe it's just my ignorance talking....probably, but I just find it all superstitiously spooky. Anyway, the next origin/definition cam from the Associated Press, "This saying goes back to 1915 and probably began simply as a humorous warning to country folk going to the city not to be taken in by city slickers trying to pay them off with wooden nickels." Damn city slickers....hahah! So, above is obviously the hilariously sinister Mr Pickles, from the legendary cartoon...

...but this here (for me) is the real Mr. Pickles though, who is the lord of being a shotgun passenger. He's a better friend to me than I could ever be to him, but I have aspirations about that and what it means to care and love in general.

Stumbled on a band called Beaver doing Absence Without Leave (Morocco) and they fucking rock. will have to do some investigating into more of their music.

Like last week, another caricature of an actor who has put a smile on my face, a time or two, "why do I have to Mr. Pink" Steve Buscemi...

One of my absolute favorite Beastie Boys recordings, with a fan made lyric vid that really does it some justice...RIP MCA!

My Son's long time girlfriend, who just brings tears to my eyes in this picture from a recent performance (apologies for not knowing the name of the masterful photographer). I consider her a welcome and much appreciated member of my family...God knows we could use a boost. My Moms would have adored her. Thank you for sharing the photo Son 💖

Haven't had me a Molosser Crude meal for my brain in a while. This is the last vid on their YT page and it was 6 months ago, so hoping that a Swedish Summer will bring them out of hiding for some more tunes. Good folks playing some heavy hitting tunes!

Don't know that I ever shared this on the old blog, but this is Mr. Pickles as a wee lad, taken May 21st 2016. God, things were so different then...Mom actually took this pic in her yard, 6 months before she died. She was absolutely smitten by him. I'm more of an adopt a mutt kind of guy, instead buying a purebred, but that doesn't change the fact that he was loved and is still loved :)

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Something tells me I need to do something...

Another positively charged post comin' at ya, at Homer's expense. Waiting on a call here in the next couple of days that could potentially be a life changer for old(er) man Mostaza.
EDIT: Got that call and it was a thumbs up, so there ya go...hahah. Unfortunately, waiting on another call or two, that are also life changers, AND I have this sense of impending doom today, so there ya go.

EDIT: The sense of doom was in the air today again. Got the 1st call and it went well, chalked under worried for nothing (for now). The 2nd call never came so I am going to write that off as, no news is good news...

EDIT: Tomorrow we shall see if the new plan of action will aid me in overcoming my ailments. I can't help but think of the lyric "no pill is gonna cure my ill" hahah. 

These guys and gals have brought me a lot of joy for over 4 decades now, with this particular song. One of the very first pieces of vinyl I ever owned. Played that thing a million times. Cindy's vocal are a little loud in the mix on this live version, but I love when Fred says, "watch out for that piranha" and her response is, "oh, shit!"  Piranha are good eating, if you ever have the fortune to be in South America. Fishing for them is quite easy, steel leader, big hook and a chunk of meat, but getting them off the hook can be a little tricky...hahah.

This caricature is titled Marty Feldman, which is a good title, as that is who it is, of course. Unfortunately, I didn't catch the artist's name, but these days, for all I know it could be an AI piece. Anyway it made me grin and reminisce about good times. According to Wikipedia, "Feldman was a heavy cigarette smoker for most of his life, often smoking five packets daily. He died of a heart attack in a hotel room in Mexico City on 2 December 1982 at age 48 during the making of the film Yellowbeard; the film was subsequently dedicated to him."

These guys have made me feel quite good, for over 40 years and who can't smile when the listen to a tune about sniffing glue. Punk fucking rock. You want to hear the sound of millions of brain cells screaming in torturous death, try huffing paint or sniffing glue...gasoline works too. Anybody ever try diesel?

Sure do love this guy!

Massive Attack is a fairly new phenomenon for me, although they've been around for a while. This is what they call Trip Hop, I guess. Liz Frazier on vocals makes this an otherworldly song...

Love, love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Feathers on my breath
Gentle impulsion
Shakes me, makes me lighter
Feathers on my breath
Teardrop on the fire
Feathers on my breath
Night, night of matter
Black flowers blossom
Feathers on my breath
Black flowers blossom
Feathers on my breath
Teardrop on the fire
Feathers on my
Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Feathers on my breath
Teardrop on the fire
Of a confession
Feathers on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Feathers on my breath

(Miss Bandit posing for a quick logo, bit of fun-ness)

Last, but not least, in current events, it looks like RdM (that's me) is going to do a 2nd release...some delicious aural goodness in the form of another 3" CDr this time featuring the genius artistry of my long time virtual pal. Sean. Very few of y'all may remember the first one. It was a college band I was in, Garden Weasel, an alphabetical omnibus of sorts, made to be given away to people that may or may not have dug the band. I thought it turned out rad, but this next release is definitely going to be  a 2.0 of that one. Looking at an early July release and pretty stoked, never hurts to have something killer to look forward to. That's all that needs to said for now, don't want to jinx it, more intel will come as the project takes shape. Miss Bandit and I, wish y'all a wonderful day, a relaxing evening and rejuvenating sleep!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Nothing but positivity on this one...it may be a struggle, this grumpy old guy has a hard time breaking bad habits...hahah! 

Two of the finest human beings on the planet, that I have never had the fortune to meet in person...any and all contact I have with them brightens my day. Wonderful people that I owe more than I could ever repay. Underbara människor med en ständigt växande underbar familj, var och en av dem som stjärnor som lyser upp en mörk jord - if this is gibberish Björn & Helene, I hope that the sentiment is evident :)

I had the honor of releasing this Unter den Linden song on a 7" lathe record about 5 years ago, thanks to the graciousness of Björn and the rest of the UDL guys. Plus, it's such a killer tune, decades later they're still making awesome music.

Not exactly food porn, but delicious nevertheless. Black beans, cheese, eggs, crackers and Tapatio...bachelor style gourmet. 

This has the distinction of being the first vid I ever posted on the fucking tube...my boy and his best bud after a heavy rain on the Solomon river underneath the bridge to Bogue in 2009. It was a little sketchy and to be honest, old Mustard ain't much of a swimmer. They had a blast...

This has the distinction of the first music I posted on the tube (that is still public). Great song, great folks! Cracks me up, thinking back, Garden Weasel played there in the very early 90's and got asked not to come back. Must've been that we were too loud, too drugged/drunked up and that we were involved in a fight outside the club in the middle of our set. Good times...

Another oldie on my channel and another fine example of how off the hook Humboldt was in the late 80s/early 90s...more great folks doing great music. This was the first demo tape I bought when I got there after seeing them somewhere. I remember telling myself that this Humboldt place was gonna be alright...

Best shotgun rider I've ever had!