Tuesday, October 10, 2023

obliquely engaged in my endeavor

I called out Singapore a post or so ago because I was being bombarded with hits from there...125 a day! I have no idea why they kept coming, but I felt like it had to be sinister...yeah, I do think someone/something is following me. Spambot? Makes me a little ill and when you add to that a hundred other little ills, you get just plain old sick. Like hospital sick, ya know? I suppose if they're after my money, there is none, in fact, just found out today, I will be in debt for another 37 months...hahah! Oh well, I'm sure that whatever the reason is for this Singaporean interest, it will come in the form of projectile vomit. I suppose the lesson for me is that it is extremely difficult for people like myself, to remain positive in the a world full of real and perceived threats. Makes me think of my buddy Andy Betzen (RIP), who would say, "Pleeeeeease" in a soft pleading voice and then scream at you "I SAID PLEASE!!!!" So, I say please leave me be...hahah. I hope y'all are having better luck in this marvelous journey called life :)
EDIT: Just as quickly as the robots came they are gone now...hahah

"Earth's only natural satellite is simply called "the Moon" because people didn't know other moons existed until Galileo Galilei discovered four moons orbiting Jupiter in 1610." - NASA
I prefer encounter, over discover, but I'm not in charge. I like the Oxford archaic definition of "discover" which is "divulge (a secret)." 

My longtime bro Ed sent this vid of his wife, Tina's band and they fucking rock it...this is from their 2nd show!

A one off shirt I got made of the design that will eventually be used for something bigger...maybe. My old (since high school) pal Alex did the drawing of "The Weasel" and my longtime virtual friend Sean is the Photoshop master that did his magic to create the final image...thanks guys.

Our pals from Molosser Crude tearing shit up!!!


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