Ahhh, Courage...me too brother!
My main toon in World of Warcraft, named for the first of what I call, the Martyred Heretics, or the first person executed by the "church" for heresy. I have read some on the man and his teachings, which I don't necessarily agree with, but he was number one in a long line of death and destruction associated with the "Church" and, in my opinion, orthodoxy in general. "Devils, Demons, Death and Damnation" (book title). This here toon is an Undead Death Knight :)
This one goes out to my old homie and bandmate, Jefe...chloraseptic rock! Bone Awl are true master craftsman or apex predators in the world of raw lo-fi Black Metal. Another one of those two piece outfits that ranks up there with some of my faves (Simon and Garfunkel, Iron Lung, Molosser Crude, etc.)
This version of this song by this band was the reason for the title of the last post, but sorta made an error (loaded word) in not putting it into said post. Sinful, is what I am, and not just because I had a huge crush on Cindy Wilson in the early 80s. One of those bands that got huge there for a minute but not because of the very important fact that they were brilliant as individuals in what they contributed to the band as a whole
"Double shot" of the B-52's from the same concert...why not, right?
Except for the absolute amazingness of songs like this, by artists like this, there would be very little enjoyment in my life...seriously.
In many ways I'm still a kid (nobody's kid now), getting my mind blown by life's intricacies. This adulting thing is serious business...
I remember you got me into Bone Awl on the old blog, what a great find. Iron Lung are touring again btw, they're touring with a new band I really like called Brain Tourniquet. The drummer from Brain Tourniquet is also in a new death metal band I love called Genocide Pact. It's a great time for new heavy music! Hope you're well. I don't always comment, but I always read!