Sunday, July 2, 2023

pe·jo·ra·tive - adj. - expressing contempt or disapproval

 Just cuz I say someone's watching me doesn't mean there really isn't (I'm not too sure about that sentence, but wth...right). Have a feeling that I'm going to be all over the place with this post, much like my mind and apparently my soul as well...GONE..."gone daddy gone"

On and off in time I've beena Femmes listener, but like Soundgarden said, "looking California, but feeling Minnesota" these days. Feeling kind of lost in my world...

Perdido en Mi Mundo!

Love these two piece bands...not that I don't love bass guitars, because I will take just bass and drums (ala OM)' just the impressive nature of so much sound and creativity coming from just two folks. How about just one folk?

THE Graeme fucking Revell doing his thing, post SPK, with writing scores...dude is an absolute genius, although I couldn't get my Moms into modern classical music. Played her, by far, the most beautiful score for a movie that was never made, by SPK, Zamia Lehmanni Songs Of Byzantine NE/H/IL (RIP). Now when he was alive with SPK, they were a whole different ball of wax. True godfathers of the late 70s industrial scene...

This 7" which was their 2nd in 1979 was made in an edition of 150 and are highly sought after, but more importantly, the music created here is massive beyond anything that was done in 1979.  Hearing this in about 1987, my mind was fucking blown! These three compositions on this little here, very rare, piece of wax, are a game changer and a true experience to listen to too. When I ask folks out here in NoWhere Kansas what kind of music they listen to, as far as music, the answer I frequently get is, "I like most kinds." Most kinds, means nothing, most people don't know most anything...hahah. My first thought, is of this Blues Brothers scene...

You know I'm old when I have old thoughts. 1980 was a long time ago, a totally different age or chapter in my book. Going back a bit further...

I watched this movie in 1978 a million fucking times, to the point where I could recite the dialog and I'm certain that it warped my 9 year old mind...along with maybe early drug/alcohol use. It's been a ride and I can't thank my Moms and Guardian Angel enough for getting me to this point. Now fucking what...hahah...hahah!

I don't like the way I feel
tell me is this fucking real
I don't like the way I think
My mind is like the kitchen sink
I hate myself
I live a life of self abuse
I think its time I tied the noose
I don't got time to reconstruct
and I know I'm gonna self destruct
I hate myself
And when I die I'll go to hell
You know I'll like it very well
Lots of junkies just like me
We'll be screaming for eternity

Mr Pickles sez, "Howdy and Aloha!" 

1 comment:

  1. I really like what Intestinal Disgorge did, they put out an album that's drums, vocals, and 3 bass guitars. It's really riffy. Also there's two instant turn-offs when I ask what kind of music are you into? If the answers are "everything" and "the radio", I tune out. Because you're not into everything. Good post man.
