Hey kids! Want you to know that smoking is not only way cool, but also extremely sexy...hahah...except for smoking crack. Pisses people off too, because, you know, everyone seems to be concerned with what the fuck you're doing. Don't tread on me...freedom, you know! In all seriousness, shoulda never started and unless something else gets me first (I envision a car wreck just like my Aunt after she quit smoking), small cell carcinoma will be my cause of death, just like my Moms.
Is it possible for anything to be more perfect than this? Fucking Motörhead was absolutely on fucking fire for this album, which may in fact be the best live album ever released! And this fucking tune...I thought I had class, but upon almost 55 fucking years of reflection, I have none!
This old girl shoulda been mine! I allowed my favorite Aunt to talk some sense into me and in all honesty it was for the best as real life hit me in the form of the water heater quitting, having to replace tires on my truck...hahah. Plus, I have long term goals (I think...
I was practically on life support in '99, so was out of touch with what the Beasties were up to, but this concert makes it clear that they were quite alive and well.
Never worn this vest to a show. Thought I would but it's not me, I'm more of a flannel guy, always have been. Hand picked the patches though and I'd say as far as harder music, it represents my taste well. Its funny when I went to Washington a couple weeks ago, I did pick up a very nice Pendleton. I wore it to the X show Brian and I went to, and the merch guy for X was envious of my choice (of uniforms, the aging punker)...hahah.
I thought these guys were gods when I was like 8 and come to find out, many years later, 1/2 if not all of the band are total dickheads. I almost didn't post a song by them, especially when I was looking for this particular version of this song (absolutely blew my 8 year old mind) and saw that they had played Dubai on New Years Eve 2020. Is the word apropos?
My favorite little Cousin, Brooklyn, still not sure what to think of old Mostaza. I'm not sure what to think of old me anymore either...hahah. I do know that you gotta hang on to these little special moments the best you can, because some folks, maybe you, maybe me, can be bombarded like a Gazan refugee camp. For whatever reason, make up your own for all I care, you are deposited in some body, someplace in this world. It's like, "Here ya go, deal with it." Gaza is a perfect example, imagine being born there. I know there's bad folks there, a product of their environment, which is no excuse to be parading bodies through the streets. In retrospect though, I feel like that was a harbinger of what is going on at this very moment, for a lot of folks who witnessed that act. Fucking death, so final and not particular about good or evil, it just is. Suffering is a whole other story. My life ain't so bad, if you're a person in my position, there's always plenty of folks that will gladly remind you of that fact. Fucking life, in my mind, is all about pain tolerance, until the reaper comes and it most definitely will come. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust and whatnot. As far as suffering, a voluntary act, like a tattoo, for example, I don't what anyone sez, hurts. It's all about tolerance, how does it affect you and how do you deal with that affect. My Great Grandfather William, was a miserable man and his wife Mildred (I was born on her birthday), was just as much, if not more, miserable. They both were fortunate (?) enough to have lived very long lives. The thing about misery though is it can be highly contagious, it seems to be a proximity thing, a sort of connection. They're saying these days that DNA plays a big part and of course DNA is gift that you're folks just can't help but give you. Then there's your setting in life or as they taught me in college, Sitz im Leben. You get what you get at that point too, but now you have choice as limited as that may be. Take the Gazans again, I'm not talking about the really pissed off Hamas dudes, but your average Jane and John Doe, just trying to feed they're families and get even just a tiny bit of joy out of their lives. What kind of fucking Sitz im Leben is that? Trapped like fish in a barrel cuz none of their neighboring "borders" can be crossed. We are still Animalia, no matter how wonderful some humankind fancy themselves and there is either fight or flight in that situation. I don't know how many suicide bomber you know and I don't know any, but I'd say that if the circumstances are right, a person can choose fight and flight. Blow up your predators and get out of it painlessly (with a promise of a joyous afterlife to boot for some folks). I don't know where I was going with all that, but I did...hahah. The most important thing I learned in college was what Socrates said "I know I don't know shit". Kind of a downer of New Years and I seem to have babbled a bit, lost my happy face mask, just not feeling it. I honestly do hope that this world in general gets better about treating each other right, there's enough shit going on in each of our lives and there's no need to be an asshole about it. In general, I want to wish that anyone reading this sees some improvement in their lives, in what ever form it takes, to alleviate whatever, if any, suffering you may have. With that how about some Iron Maiden (named after an ingenious device created by humankind to inflict massive amounts of physical suffering)...hahah!
There's really only two tunes I like by IM, post Di'Anno. This one, off their third album and the first Dickenson appearance, has to be the best in my humiliatingly humble opinion. For me though, it will always be the "Flight of Icarus", off the 4th album, that reminds me of the fastest I've ever been in a car. It was CRANKING in a 280ZX on the I5 freeway, heading south past Griffith Park at 130 MPH...I was 14. My old pal Kevin and I were crammed behind the front seats, another childhood chum, Jimmy, was in the passenger seat and some older stoner (we were all baked) I barely knew was driving. The fucking cars that were going the speed limit looked like they were stopped as we were weaving in and out of traffic. Blew my young mind! If I'm not mistaken, we ended up going to some even older stoner's house and learned how to blow two liter bottles up with dry ice and water...motherfucking BOOM!.
Mr. P sez I'm done (I accidentally stepped on his tail tonight and his yelp made be feel like total garbage)...good night, Happy New Year and whatnot.
Edit: I just found my tattered and torn happy face mask and with that I'll leave you with this final song of 2023 and first of 2024...
Found that this wasn't on the fucking tube, so put it up, in all it's sloppy, poorly mixed, broken snare perfection...plus it fucking Wehrmacht!
Absolutely love this remix from the Lords of Salem flick I just found (discovered "you" might say)...
Criminally overlooked legends. I was introduced to them by good old Ron Kuka (RIP) the summer of '88 and have never looked back. Dead Horse sits quite comfortably and appropriately in my top five Metal acts. Fave tune has always been Forgive at the 54:00 mark...
Dear God
Accept my apology
I never believed in you
I only believed in me
Dead as I lie
My horse and I
I took what I need the most
Forgive and forget
But I'll ride you any how
Please don't take me yet
Dead as I lie
My horse and I
Dead horse
To send you back the way you came
Dead horse
Running through your veins
Has not to do with horsemen
Or waging Satan's war
And if you ride a dead horse
You won't be riding very far
Reading the comments I got the vibe that folks were just fixated on how beautiful the "hippy chick" is/was, which indeed she is and quite charismatic, but I knew what she was saying, despite the apparently condescending nature of the interviewer...if you have dosed, even once, then you "know" what she is talking about.
This song was my introduction to Sparklehorse by way of a wonderful woman in my life, way back when, who unfortunately was a casualty of my alcoholic self. This particular song, at the time, reminded me of using heroin for some reason.
Made the trek to Washington/Oregon to hang with these fuckers and played a set live outside of Humboldt County California for the first time. The Garden Weasel only existed for a couple years from 90-92 and in that time we played a lot of parties and gigs. Of all of them though this was my favorite. Cheers fellas and thanks to the folks at Portland's The Snug.
I've known Elliott for a number of years now and all of them, virtually. Hell of a good guy and perhaps next time I'm in LA we could shake hands. Anyway, besides being a good egg, dude has far surpassed me in being dedicated at educating himself on this marvelous thing we call music. Was feeling a little black metal and sent him the email below. His response was fucking bitchen and sent me on a journey of several hours of enlightenment. Many thanx E!
Heya Elliott, hope this note finds you well
Looking to get more familiar with the many sub-genres of the sub-genre of Black Metal
Can you help me get a start on that?
What are some of your favorite songs by your favorite bands (no nazis please)?
Of course! If you have any specific questions about black metal, feel
free to ask!! I'm not too into what they call suicidal black metal,
and most atmospheric black metal puts me to sleep (which may be the
point?) but I can ask my Discord friends for suggestions if you want.
Of course you're familiar with 80s black metal (Venom, Merciful Fate,
Celtic Frost/Hellhammer, Bathory, even early Slayer and Sodom) but
here are a few older bands you maybe haven't heard. If you have,
they're worth hearing again!!
This is Tormentor from Hungary. Early influence on the 90s black
metal, and the singer would join Mayhem a few years later. Dissection
(one of my favorite melodic black metal bands) covered this song!
Samael from Switzerland, another early black metal band.
Master's Hammer from the Czech Republic. The singer is a famous
Von from Hawaii, later moved to San Francisco. They tried playing with
the thrash bands of the late 80s. They were just ahead of their time.
They loved Septic Death as much as I do. Huge influence on black metal
to come, many bands have covered Von or named themselves after Von
I don't know how much you know about the Norwegian bands from the 90s,
but here are a few of my favorites. Also some Swedish ones!
Mayhem, with Dead on vocals!
Darkthrone is one of my fave bands, and Fenriz is one of my favorite
people. His radio shows are a must listen!
Marduk, this is extreme. Morgan's a nice guy though, I've talked to
him. This is kind of a microgenre sometimes called Norsecore. Known
for clean production and blastbeats. The biggest bands of this sound
are Marduk...
and Dark Funeral.
War metal might be my favorite. Raw and nasty.
I just got this cd in the mail, actually.
Archgoat from Finland, friendly dudes making evil metal.
Blackthrash is another favorite. Aura Noir from Norway.
Witchaven from where I used to live, first black/thrash band I got
Greek black metal is a bit different. Here's one of my favorite bands
in all of metal, both personally and musically!
Dissection played more melodic black metal, here's one of my favorite
Lastly, here's something I really like, celtic/folk black metal.
There's more, a lot more. But this email is really long already. Feel
free to ask if you want any more or on specific genres. And there are
no nazis in this list. Some extreme people, but no nazis. Lastly,
there's a book that really helped me understand black metal's
subsubsubgenres. The author is a really cool dude who's even been on
my show and put up with my crappy microphone at the time. It's just
“Why do people say, ‘Grow some balls’? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you really wanna get tough, grow a vagina. Those things really take a pounding!” - Betty White
The Weasel lives...hahaha. Our old college band Garden Weasel will be playing in Portland and if any of you local heads want come snicker at the old guys...should be a good time...we're on a mission from God.
My friend Katie in college turned me onto the Pogues (wherever you are Katie I hope you are swell). Sad to hear of Shane's passing...he was a special soul with a true gift...it came with a price though.
3.4 fucking million views, so not exactly a secret, but this vid rules (and of course the song is one of my fave Slayer diddys).
I don't have everything by these guys but definitely most everything. Plenty, except the first three 7"s that very few can claim to possess. Just collecting dust now. Anyway, was in an SPK mood (if you know what I mean then you are in the know) and was looking for a song that perhaps I hadn't posted before. Then I got distracted by my algorithm and found an unknown-to-me gem...
Just when you want to be a know it all, you run across something that reminds you that you don't know shit. Dig these guys and probably will stop writing, at this particular moment, to jump down a Friction rabbit hole...see ya!