Friday, January 31, 2025

knocking on wood, doesn't fuckin' work...

 Get your stickers now before it becomes a fad...

Some solid as fuck ancient homies in from of the best donut shop (period)!

Oneof those solid bros of mine since high school, wrote this killer comment on my "drum" post.
Well worth a read, in case you missed it...
"Dude, some good listening here! Not as much Stewart Copeland as I'd expect from someone our age, haha! Kidding, but he's one of my all-time favorites (who needs a backbeat?) I've been following a few rad drummers the past couple of years. Louis Cole from Knower and also a group I think you'd love, ClownCore. JD Beck who plays with a crazy talented keyboardist name Domi. Larnell Lewis who plays with Snarky Puppy (check out their video for Lingus), and the great but now unfortunately late Gabe Serbian from The Locust. Managed to see him absolutely own the stage a few times before he died way too young. Cheers, ...deutsche!"

My high school homie Stovepipe customized this tin for me knowing that I'm prerolling my own filtered cigs to save money and i'm psrtial to "possums"(in fact there's one in the garage that shares food and water with the cats). You only get to call me Rug when you were a high school chum....hahah!                                                              

Got this soundboard bootleg from Bob and/or Ron in mid 80s
the hit for me has always been @ 08:45 "Death Velocity"

 My soon to be RugBug in it's heyday about 5 years ago,
The Stadt der Rosen Pasadena car club that benefits the Casa de Esperanza orphanage in TJ.
Can't wait to take her for a spin to work!

The Man in Black doing a pretty bitchen Glenn Danzig tune!
Rick Rubin is a genius...

Cute moment..
My Moms took this picture of Mr. Pickles when he was a wee lad,
It was one of the last ones she ever took.

I still meditate on this album, all these years later.
I've called it the best movie score ever produced for a movie that doesn't exist.
I've been grooving to music since before I was born
but my Mom hated this album.
Like it kind of made her angry...hahah.
Look up Graeme Revell.
Dude has done a shit ton of big movie scores since the SPK days.

My bro Sean did me a solid and signed a one of a kind print I had made of the logo he made.
The image is of Hannape Bazooka by Go Nagai
and of the course lettering is from the alinighty Pushead of Septic Death!

Almost 100 years old...amazing fucking song!
I mean seriously, this thankfully has over 1 million views/listens!
Educate, expand and enlighten!
"This is the way."

"Happy new year and birthday!! I know the feeling about not feeling like posting anything. I've been sick most of this year. But hopefully it'll get better. Was jamming from Garden Weasel the other day and thought about you." - Eliott

Thoughts and prayers Elliott...hahah...seriosly though, hope you're feeling better and thanx for being a true Relic in my life!

"wuzzup? i bet your last couple of months havent been very fun. neither have mine. nazz

Nazz, bro,we now have the clown ffom the movie/book, It, in charge!

For several months at the end of '24 I was entranced by this song.
I think my comment sez somehing like " go to tune"
Got in touch with Aurelia who's on the accordian,
to see about getting some hard copies of their music
but you gotta go through fucking FB.
Got in touch with May, the singer of this particular tune,
and she sent me a nice Barn Swallows care package.
They are playing a big shindig on VDay 02/14
in Bisbee, Arizona that I wish I could see,
hopefully somone will at least make a vid???

Well they’ll sell you your reflection,
In a mirror that was made
In that factory full of children
On less than livable wage
Now you see yourself
In the reflection
Of a pond full of fish
The sights a lot clearer
They'll sell you that for this
Go outside
Go outside
Look in the reflection
That you provide
We are the ocean
We are the trees
We are the world
Made up of these
So now you're swimming your way
The sights a lot clearer
The air is clean
Here you find love
And love is called
From the roots of your soul
That connect us to all
Go outside
Go outside
Look in the reflection
That you provide
We are the ocean
We are the trees
We are the world
Made up of these
We are the world
Made up of these
Regrow, take back the knowledge
Regrow, take back our soul
Regrow, take back the knowledge
Regrow, take back our soul
Go outside
Go outside
Look in the reflection
That you provide
We are the ocean
We are the trees
We are the world
Made up of these
We are the world
Made up of these
We are the world
Made up of these

So a month into 2025, this is my go to tune....hahah.
Smiles, chuckles, maybe some laughter to y'all!

1 comment:

  1. The Nazz sez... Hey brother, I've been dealing with alot of death and illness the last few months. The "regime change"in what was formerly known as The UNITED States of America is a constant razor blade in my urethra. Old fuckin' punks like us have been talking the end of the country since Reagan- it's finally here... and no one is gonna do a fucking thing about it. We're a nation of quislings. It's 1937 Germany here.
