Tuesday, December 27, 2022


I've seen Snoop Dogg 3x and dig him or don't, dude puts on a hell of a show...serious performer!

During our GW reunion earlier this month I found out something I never put two and two together on...we were THE weed band.  I mean, most of the local bands we were hanging out/playing with were stoners and just general partiers...One Man Running had a bitchin song called Resin Scraper.  Then when I was hanging out with the other Weasels, HAF, I realized damn, we had several tunes involving the enjoyment of Mary Jane and references to her in plenty of other songs.  In retrospect, holy shit the refer has been a big part of my life and go figure early on that it would end up in the music we played. I shoulda just stuck with the weed.  Somewhere there's a video of Little Chris (RIP) singing along to Boasting, at a show we did somewhere on the Arcata Plaza. Brian wrote the tune and prior to his enlightenment I had never heard it called that.  Wherever you're at, right the fuck now, why don't you get with some good company and boast a bowl with them.

Stoned again stoned again I think it's good

Stoned again stoned again I think you should...

...boast a bowl with me

Here's my boast buddy these days!

I'm not sure why I went incognito on this one, not too sure sometimes why the fuck I do a lot of things. This is sPot (intentionally spelled that way), like me she has a poor metabolism and sometimes gets called Fatty.

Speaking of Resin Scraper, here's OMR doing it live on KHSU circa '91...the flyer that for some reason I used for the image on this one, was a badass show...this maybe the one where we were asked not to come back....hahaha.  What a rad lineup though and at the Jam of all places.  It was an over 21 club, which I got into once because Pope Joan said I was the tambourine player, but that's a story for another time...good times.  This was the 5th time I posted something on the fucking tube...10 years ago, man (time flies but airplanes crash).


  1. Fuck yeah! More GW reunion shit!

    1. All the videos are here https://www.youtube.com/@LurtBoy but while the rest of the band rocked I was about as animated as an old rotten redwood stump...hahahah and my brain just ain't what it once was.
