A headline from USA Today, the other day..."Winter storm Elliott? Blizzard? Bomb Cyclone? What Happened to calling it 'weather'?" I don't know what the fuck a bomb cyclone is but I the lowest I recorded the temp being for this event was -10 and a wind-chill of -36...highly unpleasant. As I continue to age and somehow survive (my Guardian angel is beat) I've found that I don't like any extremes of temperature. It used to just be the heat, but I don't much fucking care for being cold and certainly no -36 wind-chill.
En mørklagt sti - slynger seg - innover mot - den svarte ås
Der jeg igjen - skal føle denne lyst
Der jeg igjen - begår denne dåd
Fører meg dithen - hvor timene står stille
Tar meg med - dit hvor årene går
Her har prest - og menigmann - stått den store - den store prøve
Her jeg igjen skal føle denne lyst
Her jeg igjen - begår denne dåd
Stien går hit - hvor timene står stille
Stien tar meg med - dit hvor årene går
Jeg bygger her - et monument - her skal - neste døde råtne
Her jeg igjen - skal føle denne lyst
Her jeg igjen - begår denne dåd
Stien går dit - hvor timene står stille
Tar meg med - dit hvor årene går
Årene går
Årene går
Årene går
Really feeling this groove right now...Norwegian Black Metal has healing and uplifting properties. Used to have the 7" but not sure if I sold it or sent it to my Son. Always wondered if these folks were of the fascist variety, but did a google translate and I'm kinda digging on the vibe.
A darkened path - winds - inwards towards - the black hill
Where I again - shall feel this pleasure
Where I again - commit this deed
Takes me there - where the hours stand still
Take me with you - where the years go by
Here, priest - and layman - have faced the great - the great test
Here I will again feel this desire
Here I again - commit this deed
The path leads here - where the hours stand still
The path takes me - to where the years pass
I build here - a monument - here shall - the next dead rot
Here I again - shall feel this light
Here I again - commit this deed
The path goes there - where the hours stand still
Take me with you - where the years go by
The years go by
The years go by
The years go by
Two Gifs in one post...hell fuckin' yeah...I don't fuck around. Since I'm not fucking around, and we're on the topic of Norwegian music and being colder than a well digger's ass...how about Blitzkrieg Baby doing something Mustard Relics played a tiny part in. In fucking fact, the first person to comment on this post and sez they dig the composition will get a free copy...
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